2013 In Pictures

January My niece, Hailey, was born! She’s adorable and my two-year-old nephew calls her “Haywee” which makes her even more adorable somehow. To me, she is Baby H or Hays. Also, I endured one of the worst allergic reactions of my life as far as non-life-threatening allergic reactions go. I spent the better part of…

Weekly Photo Challenge: Eerie

Scuba diving can be an overwhelmingly beautiful and serene experience, or completely eerie depending on what you are diving into. One of my eeriest dives was in Aruba where my buddy and I swam through a ship that had been hit by a torpedo (first photo). That same day, we ventured into a plane that crashed and…

Fall Photo Crazed

This Fall, I’ve been going a bit photo crazy. I’ve been traveling, doing some random photo shoots for friends and my students, and just enjoying being behind the lens again. Here are some of the projects I’ve been working on lately! Chinese Lovebirds in North Carolina One of Isaac’s classmates from business school asked me…

Perfect Saturday

Today was a really good day. It was one of those Saturday’s where nothing was going to put me in a bad mood. My dad is in town to help my youngest sister, Katy, move into a new house and both of them stayed at my place last night. I really love having family here,…

Things I’ve Learned From My Dog

Too many cookies can cause diarrhea. It’s all about moderation. Crying for what you want gets you nowhere. Okay sometimes it gets you what you want, but if you do it too much it’s just annoying. Cuddling makes everything better. You don’t have to be the best at everything or be the one in control.…

Weekly Photo Challenge: From Above

This past March, Isaac and I spent nine days in Maui, Hawaii. Thanks to our Honeyfund Honeymoon Registry (the best thing EVER), we were able to splurge and have the time of our lives in Hawaii. Our first morning in Maui, we went to the hotel concierge and told her to book us an amazing…

The Hilarity of Crying Babies

Today I discovered a tumblr blog called Reasons My Son is Crying. It is one of the funniest blogs I’ve ever seen and I can’t decide if it makes me want to have kids more (just so I can copycat his blog) or go get spayed immediately. If you don’t think kids crying is funny,…