Dumbing Down The Smartphone

About once per year, I get an overwhelming desire to disconnect from social media (blog posts don’t count as social media, right? Right.) I get cranky when scrolling through Facebook, yet I can’t stop scrolling through Facebook. But it’s not so much a Facebook addiction as an iPhone addiction– I just want to be doing something on my phone. Like…

Facebook Survey

It’s no secret that social media has changed the way we interact with one another. Being the sociology/psychology lover I am, I’m very interested in the way it shapes, changes, and influences our personal relationships, and how it affects us emotionally. It’s amazing to think that there are currently kids, yes, actual human beings, who have never experienced…

iLove iPhone

It took me awhile to jump onto the iPhone bandwagon. I just got my first iPhone 5 months ago, which is surprising because I am a true and loyal Apple product fan. I didn’t want the iPhone because so many people already had it and raved about it constantly (reasonable logic, right?). It’s like when…